Expressive Erotic Play

celebrating the erotic and creative body

What would it feel like to give your erotic and creative worlds the time and space to joyfully flourish?

Do you desire to have your creativity and your eroticism be shameless, vibrant, and important elements in your life?

Expressive Erotic Play (EEP), is a month-long online solo course that will help you to develop a personal daily practice that connects you to your creative and sensual body. Complete with worksheets, videos, and two personal coaching calls, we will work together to design a practice that suits your individual needs and desires. Because in a world that often tells us otherwise, your body, your expressions, and your desires are important, valuable, and worth savoring!

Sign up for a consultation call below to chat with River about the course, how it can support you on your journey to creative bliss, and how to sign up

This course is set up to be on "drip", meaning every day, you will have access to another section of the curriculum and will get an email notification in your inbox. Dripping the content ensures that people are really slowing down with the material and not jumping too far ahead. There will be worksheets in some of the lectures, and at the end of the class, they will be compiled into one document that you will be able to download. You will receive access to your first lecture one day after your enroll.

In the first week, we will go over foundational concepts for connecting to your body and creativity. The second, third, and fourth weeks will be diving deeper into different aspects such as breath, sound, movement, pleasure mapping, working with grief, etc. If you do not feel called to do the daily experiment, then don't. You are welcome to do what you want to do and can refer back to the sections at any time. Once you purchase this course, you will continue to have access to it, and it will be updated as I receive feedback from you all. I desire that this course is a resource for you now and in the future!


Join from anywhere! The entire course is online and Internet access is required. This course will be taught through Teachable.


Expressive Erotic Play is a solo exploration course and this means you get to start whenever you are ready! Please note, enrollment will close once there are enough registered students and open it back up again when there are openings for the course.


River Drosera, the founder of The Erotic Arts Project, will be facilitating this online class. River is a queer femme with a private somatic sex education and TRE® practice on Onöndowa’ga:’ Territory–– commonly referred to as Rochester, NY. They support folx with (re)connecting to their body's internal erotic and creative wisdom. Learn more about River here. Also, check them out at


You will need:

  • A sketchbook of any size. Your sketchbook will be something to journal your thoughts and ideas in, write poetry, make collages, draw, etc. While I understand some people may be doing performance art like music, it will still be helpful to have a dedicated place to write about your experiences.
  • Access to a printer to print out worksheets. You can also write the answers to your questions in your sketchbook if you do not have a printer.
  • A pdf reader if you choose to download the worksheets.
  • You will need a quiet and undisturbed place for 45 min-60 min a day to be alone. You do have one day off each week for rest and integration. Expressive Erotic Play is a self-pleasure class, which means you are welcome to be as clothed or unclothed as you like during your practices. While I understand there may be difficulties with finding space in current pandemic restrictions, I am here to help you come up with some ideas to support your practice while living in close quarters with other people. For example, some folx like to do their self-pleasure practice in the bath and then make art, while some like to play with expanding creative and erotic energy while fully clothed in a mediation space.
  • Any fun toys or lube that you like. Treat yourself! Set up your space with things that make you feel warm and safe like blankets, pillows, candles, etc. We will talk more about making your space in the first week.
  • The internet! It seems obvious, but you will need to be able to access to good internet for the course materials and one-on-one sessions.
  • All one-on-one sessions will be over zoom. Each participant will get a private link and password for their sessions. If you don't have zoom, please download it. It's free! You will be able to book your session on the second day of the course.
  • Any art materials that feel exciting for you to work with! It doesn't matter if you have never tried a medium before––this is your chance to play!
  • An open heart! Suspend all judgements about yourself!


Nope! This class is perfect if you want to begin a creative practice but don't know how to start. If you have an artistic practice, this is an opportunity to receive support and learn something new about your process.


Nope! This class will help you to practice centering pleasure and body enjoyment with the direct support of a skilled Somatic Sex Educator, River Drosera. If you already have an erotic practice, this class is an opportunity to explore how your creativity impacts your pleasure.


For videos, worksheets and complied workbook at the end, 2 one hour private coaching zoom calls with River, and continued access to the material at $650

Limited spots for sliding scale for ISSS students. If you are a student enrolled in ISSS, please see the requirements below:

This course will count as an elective upon completion of course requirements specific to Institute for the Study of Somatic Sexology students.


  • Email me at [email protected] with your name and a message that you are enrolled in ISSS. This is to ensure that it counts for a credit! Please note this course is not a certification but is for your own learning and exploration into self-pleasure and creativity.
  • Must complete 24 Expressive Erotic Play practices and document sketchbook.
  • Complete course in 1 1/2 months
  • Submit weekly email updates of your Expressive Erotic Play journaling and pictures of sketchbook/art. A loving reminder that your art does not have to be finished pieces! They can be sketches, poetry, photos, etc. Also, I am not here to judge your art but to support you on your journey.
  • Book and complete TWO 1 hour one-on-one online coaching sessions with River

"My most profound learning in EEP was that when I make space for creativity in this intentional practice, creativity finds more space in my life outside of the practice. I found myself spontaneously creating little songs as I walked about the city, sometimes with words, sometimes wordless. While I occasionally pulled out my phone to record and 'capture' this organic self-expression, I more often simply savored the music moving through me, the sound of my voice, the vibrations of my song as it left my body. I had a deep awareness that these songs emerged only because of my EEP practice."

Shauna Farabaugh, Somatic Sex Educator

"I found that intentionally brining my own artful time into my self-pleasure really lit-up creativity all over other areas of my life, and suddenly I’m more connected to my dancer self, my writer self, my artful eye in all moments, and more committed to myself as an artist as well as a lover."

Sarabell Eisenfeld, Somatic Sex Educator

Your Instructor

River Drosera
River Drosera

Have we met?

My name is River Drosera.

I’m a queer femme (they/she pronouns) who works as SSEA Certified Somatic Sex Educator and a Tension and Trauma Release Exercises practitioner, living and working on Onöndowa’ga:’ land (Rochester, NY).

My private practice is dedicated to supporting queer, trans, non-binary folx, and women in re-integrating their erotic body and full sexual expression. The courses I offer here on Teachable are meant for everyone to learn from and enjoy!

I draw on body-centered practices throughout all my work but focus on pleasure and play. I’m passionate about facilitating spaces for folx to explore their boundaries, desires, and pleasure — and I believe that this exploration enables us to move more freely and joyfully through our lives.

If you want to learn more about me and my work, check out these websites below:


The Erotic Arts Project is an online and in-person community project that celebrates the creative and erotic body of queer, trans, and non-binary artists and activists. They believe that celebrating our bodies and desires gives us the freedom to lovingly and joyfully meander around the glorious depths of our erotic and creative worlds.

visit The Erotic Arts Project at


Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. This course is here for you to come back to whenever you want or need it.
Are refunds available if I am unhappy with the course?
Refunds will NOT be available once the course has started
What program do you use for your one-on-one sessions?
I will be using zoom in this course for my one-on-one sessions with students. Each student will have their own link and password for their two sessions to ensure as much privacy as possible.
What are your one-on-one sessions like?
One-on-one sessions are 60 min online sessions to support you in your process. There is a somatic contemplation at the beginning and then we can dive into whatever it is that you wish to share about with your journey in Expressive Erotic Play. It's an opportunity to receive support, ask questions, and learn any additional somatic tools that pertain to your individual needs. Please note that in all sessions, we will both be fully clothed for the entire session.